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Mini Sticks Mentorship Program

Mini Sticks Mentorship Program
“A good coach can change a game, a great coach can change a life”

The Mini Sticks Mentorship Program is designed to engage young adults to be coaches and leaders by providing mentorship and opportunities to teach lacrosse.  

The goal of the Mini Sticks Mentorship Program is to recruit student athletes to be a part of a special community that helps put the FUN in FUNdamentals and gets more kids picking up lacrosse sticks and being active. As a participant, you will be provided support and guidance combined with an opportunity to coach Mini Sticks, a program for 4-8 year olds to have fun, learn the sport of lacrosse, and develop physical literacy.  We want the players in Mini Sticks seeing kind, positive role models who can help them be their best self on and off the field. Other benefits of being in the program include opportunities to:

- Develop leadership skills
- Build confidence in yourself by building confidence in others
- Learn how to breakdown and teach the game, helping develop your own understanding
- Help grow the game you love
- Be a role model for young players
- Earn community service hours by volunteering
- Be a part of a special community coming together to be a part of something greater than yourself - helping instill a love of physical movement and sport

Expectations for Applicants:
- Attend a MSMP Training Session
- Coach at least 10 days of Mini Sticks throughout the year
- Arrive to assigned session on time, dressed appropriately (i.e. athletic clothing, sneakers), ready to set up
- Be familiar with the curriculum before you arrive (it will be prepared and shared with you prior to the session)
- Be ready to engage, educate, encourage, energize! Be a positive role model and give your ALL for the entire time you are with the kids
- COMMUNICATE with the Director if you are unable to make it to a session you are already committed to coaching. If you fail to communicate in a timely manner and appropriately, you may be asked not to participate for the remainder of the year. 

If Mini Sticks Mentorship Program participants understand and uphold the culture we are trying to build and perform well, they may be offered paid opportunities such as Mini Sticks Summer Camp Coach or Youth Lacrosse Official.

To be a part of the Mini Sticks Mentorship Program complete the 2024-25 MINI STICKS MENTORSHIP APPLICATION 
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